A booklet of information and photographs assembled by the Carlisle Indian School for their 23rd year, circa 1902. Includes a short history of the school and the town and school demographic information. Includes pictures of arriving students, students during classroom and extracurricular activities, the buildings on campus, farmwork…
Johnston, Frances Benjamin

Frances B. Johnston informs A. C. Towner that she has received his letter regarding photographing the Carlisle Indian School. Johnston provides further details regarding the contract.

Frances Benjamin Johnston provides an outline for taking 70 photographs of the Carlisle Indian School in 1901.

Alfred John Standing responds to the Office of Indian Affairs regarding Frances Benjamin Johnston photographing the Carlisle Indian School.

J. R. Wise informs the Office of Indian Affairs that he has separately sent them school room papers and unmounted drawings for the Lewis and Clark/Portland Exposition. Wise also discusses the type of industrial materials to be included and photographs taken by Frances Benjamin Johnston.

J. R. Wise responds to an Office of Indian Affairs letter regarding the Jamestown Exposition. Wise provides a list of articles to be provided by the Carlisle Indian School as well as building the exhibition cases. In addition, Wise states that the Johnston photographs can be used along with newer photos along with Native work from Angel De Cora…

William A. Mercer requests early information regarding the Jamestown Exposition Indian Office exhibit. Mercer requests to be allowed to use newer photographs in addition to those taken by Frances Benjamin Johnston along with using Navajo blankets to decorate the wall.