Student file of Ephraim Fast Thunder, a member of the Sioux Nation, who entered the school on August 19, 1905 and departed on September 7, 1910. The file contains a trade/position record card, an outing record, a progress/conduct record, an application for enrollment, a student information card, correspondence, and a report after leaving…
Fast Thunder

Student information card of Ephraim Fast Thunder, a member of the Sioux Nation, who entered the school on August 19, 1905 and departed on September 7, 1910. The file indicates Fast Thunder was living in Manderson, South Dakota in 1913.

Studio of a visiting chief, identified by the applied name tag as Fast Thunder.
Note: An image of this chief is included in the composite group of visiting Sioux chiefs (linked to in Related Images) but there his attached name tag identifies him as Fire Lightning. There is another individual portrait of a visiting chief, and in it…

Studio portrait of a visiting chief, identified by the applied name tag as Fire Lightning.
Note: An image of this chief is included in the composite group of visiting Sioux chiefs (linked to in Related Images) but there his attached name tag identifies him as Fire Thunder. There is another individual portrait of visiting chief, and…