Student file of Julia Elmore,a student from California, who entered the school on August 9, 1894, graduated in 1896, and departed on March 6, 1896. The file contains photographs, returned student surveys, a letter/correspondence, a report after leaving, and a student information card. The file indicates Elmore was a cook in Redding,…
Elmore, Julia

Student information card of Julia Elmore, a student from California, who entered the school on August 9, 1894 and departed on March 6, 1896. The information card indicates that Elmore graduated in 1896, married Ira Webster, and was living in Redding, California in 1912.

This issue commemorates the Eighth Graduating Exercises and Seventh Anniversary Exercises. The first page contained a list of distinguished guests in attendance. Graduation speeches from students are presented in the paper, as are transcribed accounts of the exercises. The list included Pennsylvania State officials, judges, clergymen, and…

A description of this document is not currently available.

Studio portrait of Julia Elmore and Elizabeth Williams, both wearing school uniforms.

Studio photograph of the graduating class of 1896. The sitters are marked with white numbers and identified in the caption below. They are: 1. Adams, Johnson, Chippewa 2. Davenport, Susie, Ottawa 3. Cayou, Frank, Omaha 4. Cornelius, Leila,Oneida 5. Gansworth, Leander, Tuscarora 6. Henry, Timothy, Tuscarora 7…

The handwritten note on the reverse side reads: Julia Elmore

The handwritten note on the reverse side reads: Julia Elmore

Richard Henry Pratt replies to a letter from W. N. Hailmann which apparently asked for recommendations for Carlisle students to fill teaching positions. Pratt recommends and discusses the qualifications of Julia Elmore, Adelia Lowe, and Henrietta Fremont. In addition, Pratt includes certifications of graduation for Elmore and Lowe.

Richard Henry Pratt forwards a letter from Julia Elmore Dineen requesting a position in the Indian Service either as an assistant seamstress or dining room matron. Pratt provides information and a recommendation to the Office of Indian Affairs.