Eaton, John

Displaying 1 - 5 of 5 records
The Red Man (Vol. 13, No. 8)
March 1896

This issue commemorates the Eighth Graduating Exercises and Seventh Anniversary Exercises. The first page contained a list of distinguished guests in attendance.  Graduation speeches from students are presented in the paper, as are transcribed accounts of the exercises. The list included Pennsylvania State officials, judges, clergymen, and…

Dickinson College Archives & Special Collections
Request of the French Government for Part of Exhibit
May 30, 1885 - June 8, 1885

Lyndon A. Smith requests from Richard Henry Pratt part of the Carlisle Indian School Exhibit at the Government Exhibition in New Orleans due to a request by the French Government. Pratt informs the Bureau of Indian Affairs that while he was planning on setting up the exhibit at Carlisle for visitors but that nothing in exhibit cannot be…

National Archives and Records Administration
Support for Department to Cover College Tuition of Samuel Townsend
October 2, 1890

Richard Henry Pratt writes regarding a request from the President of Marietta College, John Eaton, to cover the annual cost of tuition for Samuel Townsend. Pratt asks that the department cover the cost as Townsend is a capable printer and an ambitious student who desires to go into a law profession.

National Archives and Records Administration
Annual Report of the Carlisle Indian School, 1894
August 25, 1894

Fifteenth Annual Report of the Carlisle Indian School for the 1893-1894 school year. Richard Henry Pratt provides an overview of the previous year focusing on both the academic and industrial training as well as the outing program. In addition, Pratt focuses on the Chicago World's Fair and Columbian Exposition which the School had an exhibit…

Letters/Correspondence, Reports
Standard Forms & Transactions:
National Archives and Records Administration
1897 Commencement Program
March 11, 1897

The commencement program for the Eighteenth Anniversary and Ninth Graduating Exercises of the Indian Industrial School at Carlisle, Pennsylvania.  The program includes a schedule of events as well as a photograph of the graduating class of 1897.

Memorabilia and Ephemera
Dickinson College Archives & Special Collections