Rose White Thunder (pose 2), 1883

Studio portrait of Rose White Thunder wearing an elk-tooth dress and detallium shell earrings. 

This image appears in John N. Choate's Souvenir of the Carlisle Indian School (Carlisle, PA: J. N. Choate, 1902. The caption reads: ROSE WHITE THUNDER. DAUGHTER OF A SIOUX CHIEF, WHITE THUNDER, IN ELK TOOTH DRESS – AT CARLISLE ’83-’87.

Note: The National Anthropological Archives has three photos taken of this photo: NAA 74265 (Photo Lot 81-12 06903600), NAA 73538 (Photo Lot 81-12 06831200), and NAA 74308 (Photo Lot 81-12 06907900). 

Time Period
John N. Choate, Carlisle, PA