Eadle Keatah Toh (Vol. 1, No. 4)

Carlisle Barracks, PA
July 1880
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Page one had an article on the benefits all children of the Sioux Nation receive from the agency, and how adult should have the opportunity to learn English as well. There was statistics on the number of children attending, and the ratio of boys to girls. Page two had a piece about the student’s reaction to a camping trip. Many of them reacted in disgust because they had to stay in tents. There was also an article on the various reactions of other news outlets on anti-Indian rights and the debate over Indian Citizenship. Also on the page were extracts from the speeches of Hon. Frank E. Beltzhoover on the Ute Bill. Page three had information on the newest publisher of Eadle Keatah Toh, Eadle Keath, the donations received, member absentees, and letters from the Cheyenne River Agency. It also had a time line of little events from the school. Joshua H. Given had part of his speech on how much better children do at school. Page four had a piece on the arrival of the first boys and their arrival process, which included cleaning and cutting their hair. The Pawnee made a treaty with the white people claiming the land from the south side of the Patte river would be theirs. They also proposed taking children home to run and boarding school instead of sending them away. Also on this page was information about the hostile party of Sioux who visited and made the residents, employees, students, and Agents uncomfortable. Vol.I, No. 4 ended with a young boy’s recounting of his trip to NYC.

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Cumberland County Historical Society