Studio portrait of Thomas Flynn and John Kennedy.
Blackfeet (Piegan)
Studio portrait of Thomas Guardipee wearing school uniform.
Studio portrait of twelve male students. Caption information for the Cumberland County Historical Society's copy of this image states that they are from the Piegan nation and entered on March 26, 1890.
Studio portrait of Willie Hazlett (standing) and Richard Sanderville, the latter in school uniform.
Studio portrait of Joseph Evans.
Studio portrait of Julia Cobell and Susie Farwell.
Studio portrait of Minnie Perrine.
Studio portrait of eight Piegan chiefs.
The January 8, 1892 issue of the Indian Helper (vol. 7 no. 17) reports that these chiefs had visited the school the previous week.
The Cumberland County Historical Society has six copies of this image. One of those copies identifies the chiefs as Running Crane, Little…
Studio portrait of Thomas Kose, Robert Hamilton, Anthony Austin, and Charles Buck, all wearing school uniform.
Studio portrait of Eddie Running Crane.
The handwritten note reads: Jerome Kennerly, Piegan
The handwritten note on the reverse side reads: Carlisle Indian School.
Cabinet card photo of Jerome Kennerly around the time he enrolled at Carlisle at age 6
Studio portrait of Jerome Kennerly.
Note: Kennerly was six years old when he arrived at the school in 1893.
Studio portrait of Peter Oscar and Joseph Evans.
Studio portrait of Richard Grant wearing school uniform.
Studio portrait of Robert Hamilton.
Studio portrait of John Kennedy.
Studio portrait of Peter Oscar.
The caption written on this image is "Peter Oscar Carpenter." Oscar's file shows that he was trained as and later worked as a carpenter, so this is not part of his name.
Studio portrait of Robert Hamilton.
Studio portrait of twenty-three male students. The caption for this image, as well as the other copies, identifies them as students who worked in the print shop and gives a date of 1894. Other copies identify the sitters. They are:
1st. Tier (presumably the back row), Robert Hudson, Leroy W. Kennedy, Leander Gansworth, William…
The handwritten note on the reverse side reads: Carlisle Indian School.
The printed note on the reverse side reads: PRINTERS. Commence with those standing an read fro left to right in order, likewise the other two tiers.
1st. Tier.
1. Robert Hudson, Seneca.…
The handwritten note on the reverse side reads: Miss Spyna Devereaux
Group of female and male students in school uniforms.
Studio portrait of John Kennedy.
Studio portrait of Richard Grant.
Studio portrait of George Hazlett.
Studio photograph of the graduating class of 1896. The sitters are marked with white numbers and identified in the caption below. They are: 1. Adams, Johnson, Chippewa 2. Davenport, Susie, Ottawa 3. Cayou, Frank, Omaha 4. Cornelius, Leila,Oneida 5. Gansworth, Leander, Tuscarora 6. Henry, Timothy, Tuscarora 7…