These materials include correspondence regarding the enrollment of Arney Kah-o-sed.
Request for Enrollment

These materials include correspondence regarding the enrollment of Pablo Molino in Carlisle for additional training as a printer.
Note: Molino is referred to as Pablo Moreno and Pablo Moleno in these materials.

These materials include correspondence regarding a request by Charles Arthur Bradley, Superintendent of the Metropolitan Life Insurance Company, for application blanks for two students. Bradley was sent the blanks and informed that he should correspond with the Superintendent of the Carlisle School, Oscar H. Lipps, to enroll the students.

These materials include correspondence regarding a request by Chief Wild Pigeon, of Little Neck, Long Island, New York, to enroll Jerome Carpenter at the Carlisle Indian School.

These materials include correspondence regarding a request by Mrs. A. J. Krejberg to have Elsie Krejberg, her step-daughter, enrolled at the Carlisle Indian School.

These materials include correspondence regarding a request by Michael Gomez, a member of the Pomo Nation, to re-enroll at the Carlisle Indian School to prepare "to enter one of the Ford factory classes."

These materials contain correspondence from Esther White to Commissioner of Indian Affair Cato Sells, thanking him for arranging her enrollment at the Carlisle Indian School.

These materials contain correspondence regarding a request by David Hill, a Canadian-born member of the Mohawk Nation, to enroll at Carlisle. His request is denied.

These materials contain correspondence regarding a request to enroll Helen White Calf at Carlisle to take courses in sewing and dressmaking.

These materials contain correspondence regarding a request from Congressman Tom D. McKeown to enroll the son of G. W. Harkins at Carlisle.

These materials contain correspondence regarding a request to enroll Nellie Hawkins at Carlisle.

These materials contain correspondence regarding a request by the grandfather of Lucile and Kenneth Abert to have them enrolled at Carlisle.

Mrs. T. S. Buckley asks if there is an Indian School that someone from Chatham, New York, could attend. Assistant Commissioner of Indian Affairs E. B. Meritt informs Buckley that the New York Indian can attend the Carlisle Indian School and sends her an application to mail to Superintendent John Francis Jr.

These materials include correspondence regarding a request by J. W. Asher to enter the Carlisle Indian School following its closing.

This document contains correspondence between former Carlisle student R. J. Bonga and Assistant Commissioner E. B. Merritt concerning Bonga's desire to enroll students from his area in the closed Carlisle Indian School.