Percy Parroka Student File

Student file of Percy Parroka, a member of the Comanche Nation, who entered the school on September 21, 1912 and departed on January 13, 1914. The file contains medical/physical records, a student information card, outing records, applications for enrollment, outing evaluations, a trade/position record card, a returned student survey, a progress/conduct card, financial transactions, a report after leaving, and correspondence. The file indicates Parroka was living in Anadarko, Oklahoma in 1914 and Newtown, Pennsylvania in 1915.

In school documentation Percy Parroka's name is also spelled Percy Parrako, Pearcy Paroka, Percy Parocco, and Percy Parrak. He is also known as Pah do co, Percy Pahdoco (also spelled Percy Pah do co), and Jesse Pahdoco.

Note: Information in other records shows Parroka first entered the school on November 5, 1903. This file primarily reflects his later reenrollment.


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Agency/Reservation of Origin
Year of Entry
National Archives and Records Administration
RG 75, Series 1327, box 87, folder 4014
Percy Parroka Student File