Student file of Ollie Choteau, a member of the Wyandotte Nation, who entered the school on October 3, 1891 and departed on November 19, 1902. The file contains a returned student survey, a student information card, a former student response postcard, and a report after leaving. The file indicates Choteau was a housekeeper in Wyandotte, Oklahoma in 1910 and a housekeeper in Grove, Oklahoma in 1911 and 1913.
In school documentation Ollie Choteau's married name is Ollie Choteau Kennedy (Mrs. James Kennedy).
Note: On her former student response postcard, Chotaeu identifies herself as Seneca. In her file, she also mentions she is married to James Kennedy, a member of the Wynadotte nation. Given these facts, it is possible that she was married to former student James Kennedy who was identified as Seneca when he attended the school. However, there is no firm evidence of this yet.