Student file of Jerome Kennerly, a member of the Piegan Nation, who entered the school on March 2, 1893 and ultimately departed on February 8, 1911. The student did not attend the school continuously, but left and reentered. The file contains letters/correspondence, an outing record, a progress/conduct card, an application for enrollment, trade/position cards, student information cards, a medical/physical record, a photograph, and a report after leaving.
The report after leaving indicates that Jerome was a laborer Cut Bank, Montana in 1911. Correspondence between Jerome and the school then shows his residence in Philadelphia, Pennsylvania in 1913 and his marriage to former Carlisle student Miss Fannie Charley. Lastly, correspondence between the school and Kennerly family including Jerome indicates that Jerome was a soldier serving on the S.S. Tuscania when it was sunk by the Germans in 1918. Jerome survived and ended up in England with the 158th Aero Squadron.
In school documentation Jerome Kennerly's name is also spelled Jerome Kennerley, Jerome B. Kennerly, and Jerome Kinnerly. He is also known as The Calf takes a seat.