Student file of Culgaluski Standingdeer, a member of the Eastern Band of Cherokee, who entered the school on September 2, 1897 and ultimately departed on June 27, 1905. The student did not attend the school continuously, but left and reentered. The file contains student information cards, former student response postcards, a returned student survey, correspondence, and a report after leaving. The file indicates Standingdeer was a farmer in Cherokee, North Carolina in 1913 and a member of the 1st North Carolina Band stationed at Camp Stewart in El Paso, Texas in 1917.
In school documentation Culgaluski Standingdeer's name is also spelled Calgaluski Standingdeer. He is also known as C. W. Standingdeer, Carl W. Standingdeer and Carl Standingdeer.