Student file of Blanche Bill, a member of the Pawnee Nation, who entered the school on August 24, 1905 (incorrectly listed as October on the card in her file), and departed on June 26, 1908. The file contains a former student response postcard, a student information card, an application for enrollment, and a report after leaving indicating Bill was a housewife living in Pawnee, Oklahoma in 1910. The file also indicates that she married former student Stacy Matlack before leaving the school.
In school documentation Blanche Bill's married name is Blanche Matlock (Mrs. Stacy Matlock).
Note: An annotation in Matlack's file indicates he married Bill after his first wife (Emma Manchief, another former student) died. Bill was the "next in relative line." Therefore Stacy Matlack's daughter, who was registered at the school as Cecelia Matlock, was not Bill's daughter.