The first page opened with the poem "Strength For To-Day" followed by a piece called "Going Home!" The article gave a fictitious conversation between Carlisle students Allie and Fanny about the disadvantages of going home to the reservation because of the unsanitary conditions and practices there. It continued on page four. Page two featured news about the progress of the new building, an article making an analogy of education to flea powder, several small articles of encouragement and news from Bertha Nason (Chippewa) and Joel Tyndall (Omaha) in their country placements.
Page three included bits about summer activities, staff and student activities, visitors, school grounds improvements, students going to and from Outing homes, and news from returned home students Tom Torlino (Navajo) and Paul Boynton (Arapaho). There was a report about events surrounding Decoration Day festivities. Page four after concluding the girls' conversation from the first page concluded with the Puzzle Corner.