Eadle Keatah Toh (Vol. 2, No. 3)

Carlisle, PA
October 1881
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Page one opens with the Annual Report, followed by an article on School Room Work, which discussed learning English, musical instruction, and classroom examinations. Page two had “Wise Words for the Indians” by the President Garfield of Hampton Institute, Va. The main premise being that Labor must be free, and that Lab must simply be to form a basis of civilization. There was also a copy of an article from the Indian Journal on the assimilation of the Cheyenne and Arapahoe. Also many students returned home from the Hampton Institute. The second page concluded with a sort letter from U.S. Grant asking for confirmation of his return to Carlisle.

Page three had a continuation of the annual report from the first page, including finances on the tin, blacksmith, harness, and shoe shop. Also several letters from various truth students told of their good fortune after Carlisle. Page four had a bit on student discipline and the methods of using a court martial to determine the guiltiness of the accused. There was also an article on the benefits of educating Indian girls along with the boys. Page five had a summary of the types of children and their tribes that attended Carlisle. It also gave information on the number of children attending and the school budget. There were also letters from several people talking about their lives back home. Page six talked about students who left and what they were currently up to.

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Cumberland County Historical Society