Wyman, M. P.

Displaying 1 - 3 of 3 records
Crow Agency Inquiry Into How to Obtain Students
March 5, 1890

M. P. Wyman, U.S. Indian Agent for the Crow Agency, notes that the Office of Indian Affairs instruction to send 40 students to Carlisle is received. However, he notes that the chiefs are protesting and only a few are willing to go. Asks if he should use force to fill quota.

A note on the front indicates the Office has responded that no…

National Archives and Records Administration
Crow Agency Inquiry into Sending Students to Carlisle
March 10, 1890

M. P. Wyman, U.S. Indian Agent for the Crow Agency, asks if he is authorized to provide students to William P. Campbell for the Carlisle Indian School from two contract and one agency school in ratio to attendance.

National Archives and Records Administration
Standing Responds to Request to Return of Big Hail and Theron Lears
March 30 - April 8, 1890

Alfred John Standing responds to the request to return Egbert B. Hail (here both Big Hail and Edgar Big Hail) and Theron Lears to the Crow Agency. Standing states that despite the two being prisoners they have only been treated as students and he has no objection to their being returned.

National Archives and Records Administration