This glass plate negative of Young Spotted Tail, eldest son of Chief Spotted Tail, seems to be an image of an earlier photograph. It is not clear if Young Spotted Tail ever visited Carlisle. John Choate may have taken this photographic print because he had lost or broken his own original negative of this image, but what is more likely is that…
Spotted Tail, Young

Richard Henry Pratt documents his trip to the Rosebud Agency where he attempted to secure ninety students for the school. He notes that after an initial meeting where this was received with much enthusiasm, he failed to gather the allotted students due to the work of the Catholic priest at the agency. Pratt claims that the priest may be opposed…

Richard Henry Pratt reports on the death of Gertrude Spotted Tail while living in Andalusia, Pennsylvania with a Carlisle Indian School teacher during the summer. Pratt also notes the health and death differences between the Rosebud and Pine Ridge Agency students.
Pratt concludes with a request for authority to pay for the expense of…

Richard Henry Pratt writes to the Secretary of the Interior regarding a proposal to supply four wagons to Sioux Chiefs rather than having them travel East.