Schofield, J. M.

Displaying 1 - 3 of 3 records
Department of War Issues Orders to Transfer Fort Marion Students to Carlisle
October 26, 1886 - October 27, 1886

Secretary of War William Endicott informs the Office of Indian Affairs of orders issued to send individuals between the ages of 12 and 22 at Fort Marion to the Carlisle Indian School.

National Archives and Records Administration
Notice of Departure of Apache Students from Fort Marion to Carlisle
November 2, 1886

J. M. Schofield informs the Adjutant General of the Army that 37 Apache students have departed from Fort Marion for the Carlisle Indian School including 29 boys and 8 girls. Further writes that 4 girls who were set to leave stayed due to fever.

National Archives and Records Administration
Transfer of Five Students from Fort Pickens to Carlisle
May 10-12, 1888

William Endicott, Secretary of War, informs the Secretary of the Interior that orders have been issued to transfer Geronimo and the Prisoners of War being held at Fort Pickens, Florida to Mount Vernon Barracks, Alabama along with five children to the Carlisle Indian School.

National Archives and Records Administration