Russell, S. A.

Displaying 1 - 2 of 2 records
Hand-written letter on onion-skin paper
December 3, 1879

Commissioner of Indian Affairs Ezra A. Hayt's response to a request from Indian Agent S. A. Russell from the Mescalero Agency in New Mexico about if Hayt could help find care for an orphaned boy at his agency. Hayt explains that the Carlisle Indian School had just recently opened and that the boy could attend the school for education provided…

National Archives and Records Administration
Hand-written letter on onion-skin paper
January 2, 1880

Instructions from Commissioner of Indian Affairs Ezra A. Hayt sent to Indian Agent S. A. Russell at the Mescalaro Agency to pursue gathering "six to ten boys" from the (Apache) Mescalero Tribe to send to the Carlisle Indian School or Hampton, "provided you can obtain the consent of the parents." Hayt instructed Russell to focus on selecting…

National Archives and Records Administration