Student information card of Jesse Youngdeer, a member of the Eastern Band of Cherokee, who entered the school on April 5, 1898 and departed on June 14, 1909. The file indicates Youngdeer was living in Cherokee, North Carolina in 1917.
Owl, Martha Jane

Progress card of Martha Jane (here Jane) Owl, a member of the Eastern Band of Cherokee, who entered the school on September 5, 1911.
Note: Although this card shows an arrival date of September 6, the admissions ledger and her file suggest that she actually arrived on September 5.

Student file of Martha Jane Owl, a member of the Eastern Band of Cherokee, who entered the school on September 5, 1911 and departed on September 14, 1916. The file contains student information cards, medical/physical records, progress/conduct reports, a record of pupil in school, an application for enrollment, outing records, a federal…

Student information card of Martha Jane Owl, a member of the Eastern Band of Cherokee, who entered the school on September 5, 1911 and departed on September 14, 1916. The file indicates Owl was married and living in Cherokee, North Carolina in 1917.

Student file of Lucinda Reed, a member of the Eastern Band of Cherokee, who entered the school on March 18, 1913 and departed on January 28, 1915. The file contains student information cards, medical/physical records, financial transactions, and correspondence.
In school documentation Lucinda Reed's name is also spelled Lucind Reed. She…