Student file of George Dalson, a member of the Little Lake Nation, who entered the school on October 16, 1907 and departed on July 2, 1910. The file contains a student information card, medical/physical records, a trade/position record card, an outing record, a progress/conduct card, former student response postcards, a returned student survey…
Johnson, Horace J.

Student file of Otis Frazier, a member of the Little Lake Nation, who entered the school on October 16, 1907, and departed on September 10, 1910. The file contains a student information card, a medical/physical record, trade/position cards, correspondence, an application for enrollment, a progress/conduct card, a newspaper clipping, and an…

Student file of Robert Frazier, a member of the Little Lake Nation, who entered the school on October 16, 1907, and departed on May 19, 1908. The file contains a student information card and an application for enrollment. The records indicate that Frazier came to Carlisle from Round Valley, California.

Student file of Roy Duncan, a member of the Pit River Nation, who entered the school on October 16, 1907 and departed on June 22, 1910. The student did not attend the school continuously, but left and reentered. The file contains an outing record, an application for enrollment, a medical/physical record, student information cards, a progress/…

Student file of Thomas Miles, a member of the Sac & Fox Nation, who entered the school on October 5, 1912 and ultimately departed February 13, 1918. The student did not attend the school continuously, but left and reentered. The file contains student information cards, applications for enrollment, medical/physical records, outing…

Student file of Edward Thorpe, a member of the Sac & Fox Nation, who entered the school on January 17, 1913 and ultimately departed on June 6, 1917. The student did not attend the school continuously, but left and reentered. The file contains student information cards, an application for enrollment, a federal financial aid form, a…

Student information card of Edward Thorpe, a member of the Sac & Fox Nation, who entered the school on January 17, 1913 and ultimately departed on June 6, 1917. The file indicates Thorpe joined the United States Navy upon departing from Carlisle.

Student file of Harry Davis, a member of the Sac & Fox, who entered the school on September 10, 1915 and departed on July 19, 1918. The file contains student information cards, an application for enrollment, a medical/physical record, certificates of promotion, an outing record, financial transactions, and correspondence.

Student file of Mollie Kickapoo, a member of the Sac & Fox Nation, who entered the school on June 22, 1917, and departed on August 28, 1918. This file includes student information cards, an application for enrollment, and correspondence.
In school documentation Mollie Kickapoo is also known as Mollie Buffalohorn.

This material contains correspondence regarding a request Jim Thorpe made to have his siblings, Edward Thorpe and Adeline Thorpe, transferred from schools in Oklahoma (the Sac and Fox Indian School and the Chilocco Indian School) to Carlisle.

These materials include correspondence related to a request by George Appletree to have his nieces and nephew, Susie, Carrie, and Lucien Rice, attend the Carlisle Indian School.

These materials include correspondence concerning the application for tribal funds by student and upcoming graduate Cora Battice.

These materials include correspondence addressed to Horace J. Johnson informing Johnson that William Newashe was playing baseball with the Carlisle Indian Base Ball team and could be reached through the teams booking manager in New York City.

This document contains correspondence concerning the death of Isaac Longshore, a former student who returned to the school for a visit. Longshore was interred in the school cemetery.