Harrison, Ben

Displaying 1 - 8 of 8 records
Ben Harrison (Mon-kah-sah) Student File
Date of Entry:

Student file of Ben Harrison, a member of the Osage Nation, who entered the school on November 1, 1890, and departed on September 30, 1895.  The file contains a student information card and a report after leaving indicating that Harrison was living in Pawhuska, Oklahoma in 1910.

In school documentation Ben Harrison is also known as…

National Archives and Records Administration
Ben Harrison (Mon-kah-sah) Student Information Card
Date of Entry:

Student information card of Ben Harrison (Mon-kah-sah), a member of the Osage Nation, who entered the school on November 1, 1890 and departed on September 30, 1895.

Note: Although the card lists his name as Benjamin, he is listed in most documentation simply as Ben.

National Archives and Records Administration
Group of Osage students and chiefs, c.1891

Studio portrait of eleven male students, three Native American men, and one white man. The caption identifies them as from the Osage nation. 

A researcher gave the Cumberland County Historical Society partial identifications for the sitters in this photo. According to this information, back row, left to right: Unidentified,…

Photographic Print, B&W
Cumberland County Historical Society
Thirteen male Osage students [version 1], 1891

Studio photo of thirteen male students. They are identified in the caption of the Cumberland County Historical Society copy of this image as being "Osage group, 1891."

A researcher at the Cumberland County Historical Society identified the students in their copy of this image as, top row, left to right: Claude Smith, Frank Penn, Amos…

Glass Plate Negative
National Anthropological Archives, Smithsonian Institution
Thirteen male Osage students [version 2], 1891

Studio photo of thirteen male students, identified in the caption as being "Osage group, 1891. 

A researcher at the Cumberland County Historical Society identified as the students as:

Top row, left to right: Claude Smith, Frank Penn, Amos Osage, Daniel McDougan. 

Middle row, left to right: Elias Stanton, Harry…

Photographic Print, B&W
Cumberland County Historical Society
Ben Harrison, John Morrison, Charles Dubray, and Martin Round Face [version 1], c.1892

Studio portrait of Ben Harrison, John Morrison, Charles Dubray, and Martin Round Face, posed holding Indian clubs.

Glass Plate Negative
National Anthropological Archives, Smithsonian Institution
Ben Harrison, John Morrison, Charles Dubray, and Martin Round Face [version 2], c.1892

Studio portrait of John Morrison, Martin Round Face, Charles Dubray, and Ben Harrison posed holding "Indian club" exercise equipment. One (probably John Morrison) is wearing a shirt with the monogram "C.I.T.S."

Photographic Print, B&W
Cumberland County Historical Society
David McFarland and Ben Harrison holding musical instruments, c.1893

Studio portrait of David McFarland and Ben Harrison, both in band uniforms, holding musical instruments--one a saxophone and the other a cornet. McFarland is probably on the left holding a saxophone, and Harrison is probably on the right holding a cornet. 

Photographic Print, B&W
Cumberland County Historical Society