Progress card of Thomas C. Necklace, a member of the Sioux Nation, who entered the school on October 27, 1911.
Crow Necklace, Thomas

Student information cards of Thomas C. Necklace, a member of the Sioux Nation, who entered the school on October 27, 1911 and ultimately departed on July 2, 1913.

Student file of Thomas Crow Necklace, a member of the Sioux Nation, who entered the school on October 27, 1911 and departed on July 2, 1913. The file contains a student information card, applications for enrollment, a medical/physical record, a former student response postcard, correspondence, financial transactions, and a report after leaving…

Student information card of Thomas Crow Necklace (here C. Necklace), a member of the Sioux Nation, who entered the school on October 27, 1911 and departed on July 2, 1913. The file indicates Crow Necklace was living in Fort Yates, North Dakota in 1913.

A typed transcript of Louis Brown's testimony before the Joint Commission to Investigate Indian Affairs. At the time Brown was a student at Carlisle.
Brown discusses the use of force by the disciplinarians of the school and the biased way punishment is given. He claims that students receive punishments disproportionate to the offence they…

The typed transcript of Julia Hardin's testimony before the Joint Commission to Investigate Indian Affairs. At the time Hardin was a student at the school.
In her testimony Hardin recounts the conflict between her and the matron about whether she was to go on outing which culminated in an incident where Claude Stauffer whipped her. She…

In this affidavit, outing agent David H. Dickey explains his role in the outing program at Carlisle and his use of corporal punishment when he was acting disciplinarian in winter of 1913-1914.
In Inspector Linnen's main report for the 1914 Congressional investigation at Carlisle, this document is labelled Exhibit F-1.