Student file of Calistro Antonio Lugo, a member of the Cahuilla Nation, who entered the school on June 11, 1898 and departed on June 22, 1904. The file contains a student information card, correspondence, a returned student survey, a trade/position record card, and a report after leaving. The files indicates Lugo was a farmer in Banning,…
Bear, Louis F.

Student file of Louis F. Bear, a member of the Menominee Nation, who entered the school on May 16, 1901, and ultimately departing on September 16, 1906. The file contains student information cards, a news clipping, an application for enrollment, and a report after leaving indicating that Bear was working as an engineer in Keshena, Wisconsin in…

Student information card of Louis F. Bear (here identified as Louis Bear), a member of the Menominee Nation, who entered the school on May 16, 1901 and departed on September 16, 1906.

Student information card of Adaline Kingsley, a member of the Winnebago Nation, who entered the school on December 21, 1902 and departed on July 5, 1906. The information card indicates Kingsley graduated in 1906, married Louis Bear, and was living in Neopit, Wisconsin in 1913.
Note: The Louis Bear Kingsley married is probably…

Studio portrait of Louis F. Bear in a uniform holding a tuba.

Program for the 1906 commencement exercises of the Carlisle Indian School. The program includes student performances, the names and image of the graduating class and students who were awarded industrial certificates, the class motto and colors. In addition, the program includes a number of images related to the Carlisle Indian School.

This document contains a list of student musicians recommended for possible Indian Service employment.