Student file of Walter Analla, a member of the Queres Nation, who entered the school on August 24, 1884 and ultimately departed on January 5, 1891. The student did not attend the school continuously, but left and reentered. The file contains student information cards, a returned student survey, letters/correspondence, a newspaper clipping, and…
Analla, Walter

Student information card of Walter Analla, a member of the Pueblo Nation, who entered the school on August 24, 1884 and departed on January 5, 1891. The file indicates Analla was living in Wagner, South Dakota in 1913.

Studio portrait of a female student and a male student, both wearing school uniforms, identified in the caption as being a brother and sister from the Laguna nation.
Based on comparison with other photographs, these are almost certainly Walter and Maria Analla.

Studio portrait of Walter Analla and his sister, Maria Analla, both in school uniforms.
A handwritten caption along the side of the image probably reads: Walter Analla and his sister.

Studio portrait of Walter Analla (standing at left) and Siceni Nori (seated at right), both wearing school uniforms.
Note: The identification of the students pictured is preliminary.

Richard Henry Pratt provides a list of students to be returned to their homes due to various reasons along with various escorts.
Note: The student referred to here as Maurice Walker is also known as Maurice Yellow Hair.