Student file of Anna Morton (Moatya), a member of the Pueblo Nation, who entered the school on October 3, 1886, graduated in 1898, and departed on September 29, 1898. The file contains a student information card, a photograph, returned student surveys, trade/position record cards, a report after leaving, and letters/correspondence. The file indicates Morton was an assistant clerk at the Carlisle Indian School from 1898 to 1900, a housekeeper and governess in Riverside, California in 1907, and a housewife in Riverside, California in 1909 and 1911.
In school documentation Anna Morton is also known as Annie Morton, Annie Moatya, Anna M. Morton, and Moatya. When she was employed at the school she was known primarily as Annie M. Morton. Her married name is Anna Morton Lubo or Anna M. Lubo (Mrs. Sylvas Lubo).