Student file of Siceni Nori, a member of the Pueblo Nation, who entered the school on August 24, 1884, graduated in 1894, and ultimately departed on December 3, 1895. The student did not attend the school continuously, but left and reentered. The file contains news clippings, student information cards, a report after leaving, and letters/correspondence. The file indicates Nori was a pitcher on the baseball team at Carlisle, attended Dickinson College for two years, was made a thirty-second degree Mason and was chief clerk to the Superintendent of the Carlisle Indian School in 1911, and was living in Reading, Pennsylvania in 1917.
In school documentation Siceni Nori's name is also spelled Siceno Noro. He is also known as Siceni J. Nori, S. J. Nori, and Siceni Jose Nori.