Letter Helping Place Two Absentee Shawnee Boys in Schools

September 30, 1879

Commissioner of Indian Affairs Ezra A. Hayt's reply to a James E. Rhoades, a man who requested that two Shawnee boys who he is looking after "be sent to school at Hampton, Va." Hayt lets Rhoades know that he can arrange to have the boys be educated at Hampton Institute or Carlisle Indian School. Hayt describes Pratt's plan to go to Indian territory to bring forty young people back to Carlisle. Hayt tells Rhoades that if he has Mr. Beard, the Indian Agent in that area, deliver the Absentee Shawnee boys to Pratt, Pratt will "see that they reach safely, either Hampton or Carlisle." 


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External Groups & Institutions
National Archives and Records Administration
RG75, Entry 96, Medical and Educational, Volume 6A, page 170
Hand-written letter on onion-skin paper