Pratt's annual report of the Carlisle Indian School begins by providing statistics of the number of students from various nations during the school year. Pratt claims that the per capita cost at Carlisle is lesser than at other schools while also highlighting the cost of Carlisle as a tool for greater assimilation with the outing program in particular being cited. Additionally because of the outing program and work at the campus students have over $10,000 in the school bank which would be greater if not for $4,000 raised to pay the gymnasium mortgage.
Pratt then moves on to a discussion of the industrial and academic work of the school. This work was partially interrupted by the measles outbreak on the school which required additional hospital space.
Pratt ends his letter by addressing the claims of some opponents of Carlisle that the school lacks religion. He outlines how the school sends students to services on the campus and in the borough of Carlisle. Further the students have created YMCA chapter and King's Daughter chapters to which they have raised money for those wounded in the Dakota campaign and a school in Japan.
Also included are the statistics accompanying the Annual Report as well as forms sent to outing patrons.