April 2, 1913 - April 28, 1913
George D. Branston, Treasurer of Manning, Maxwell & Moore Inc., informs Carlisle Indian School Superintendent Moses Friedman that the schools has not paid two invoices from the previous summer. The school owes $461 for a Barnes upright drilling machine and $116 for a grinder.
Friedman informs Branston that he forwarded the two invoices to the Commissioner of Indian Affairs during the summer and will now forwards Branston's latest letter. Friedman forwards this letter to the Commissioner and requests that he writes to Branston.
Chief of the Finance Division of the Office of Indian Affairs H. Dimick informs Branston that the Auditor for the Interior Department paid for the two invoices with settlement No. 33061 last summer.
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National Archives and Records Administration
RG 75, CCF Entry 121, #47870-1913-Carlisle-260