The Indian Helper (Vol. 2, No. 18)

Carlisle, PA
December 10, 1886
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The first page opened with a poem titled "Much Depends on Your Aiming," about keeping to the straight path, followed by "A Boy Froze to Death While On Duty," about the effects of an ice storm on Lake Michigan followed by "Moved Again," in which the Man-on-the-band-stand opined that Indians who are not educated have no say in decisions made about them by Whites. Page two began with "The President's Message" that described the predicament of Indians in the U.S. President's annual published letter followed by small news items from the Wind River School and Washington Territory.

Page three included many small briefs about the weather, school staff, Pratt's birthday and the receipt of a large donation which had been bequeathed to the school by Mrs. J.R. Ryers of Philadelphia. There was also news about the improved heating system in the boys' quarters, an appeal for the need to speak better English, a notice of Mr. McFadden's fall through the ice while skating and a blurb that there were forty-four Apaches enrolled from Fort Marion, Florida. Page four's "Puzzle Corner" included a "Lamp-Post” riddle and ended with a report "From a Little Paper, Talks and Thoughts, published by the Indian Students at Hampton, Va," that featured news reprinted from Hampton.

Time Period
Cumberland County Historical Society