Graduating Class of 1908, 1908

Studio portrait of a large group of seated and standing male and female students, identified as the graduating class of 1908. They are identified in a label attached below the photo. They are: 1) Elizabeth Baird 2) Josephine Charles 3) Louis F. Chingwa 4) Martha Cornsilk Rave 5) Morgan Crowsghost 6) Alice Denomie 7) Archie Dundas 8) Thomas Eagleman 9) John B. Farr 10) Eugene Geffe 11) Fritz Hendricks 12) Lucy Coulon House 13) Peter Hauser 14) Charles Huber 15) Florence D. Hunter 16) Louis Island 17) Flora E. Jones 18) Claudia McDonald 19) Theodore Owl 20) Ferris Paisano 21) Elizabeth Penny 22) Oscar Smith 23) Lottie Styles Hosie 24) Vera Wagner 25) Ira Walker 26) William Winnie, and 27) Mary E. Wolfe. 

Note: Mary E. Wolfe is also known as Lizzie Wolf.

Graduation Year
Time Period