
Displaying 151 - 175 of 221 records
a real photo postcard, view of the school library, large plant in the foreground, in middleground to the left there are three tables with students looking at books, the background is a set of shelves to the right and a window and door to the left

There is no caption on the front side of this postcard, but there is the name GUSTAVE HENSEL, CARLISLE, PA.

Although this postcard was never sent, someone has addressed it to "Elizabeth R. Kirk, Delaware Hospital, Wilmington, Del."

They have written the following message: "Jan. 18, 1814. Dear Elizabeth, How are…

Photographic Print, B&W, Postcard
Dickinson College Archives & Special Collections
real photo postcard, view of six young men in a workshop, two stand near a set of wheels, two are in the background, and two stand to the right painting something

There is no caption on the front side of this image, but there is the name GUSTAVE HENSEL CARLISLE, PA.

Although the postcard was never sent, someone has addressed it to Mrs. P. J. Kirk, Delaware Hospital, Wilmington Del. This person writes the following message: "Jan. 18, 1914, Dear Mrs. Kirk, I will drop a postal to…

Photographic Print, B&W, Postcard
Dickinson College Archives & Special Collections
Albert Hensley, c.1915

The handwritten note on the reverse side reads: A Winnebago on his way to the Springfield, South Dakota School, with his 2 daughters and 2 nieces.

Mr. Albert Hensley; Agnes Hensley - 9 years old; Alice Irvin - 8 years old; Margaret Irvin - 10 years old; Esther Hensley - 7 years old.

Photographic Print, B&W, Postcard
National Archives and Records Administration
Ellen and Charles King, c.1915

The handwritten note on the reverse side reads: Compliments of Mr. and Mrs. King

View of Ellen Hansell King and her husband, Charles King, around 1915.

Photographic Print, B&W, Postcard
National Archives and Records Administration
Robert Hudnall, c.1915

Robert Hudnall the son of Carlisle student Leonard Hyden Hudnall and Myrtle Osman.

Photographic Print, B&W, Postcard
National Archives and Records Administration
Stephen K. Murray and his wife, c.1915

The handwritten note reads: Mr. Stephen K. Murray and wife.  Cut meat, S. D.

Photographic Print, B&W, Postcard
National Archives and Records Administration
Moses P. Kogechiwan, 1915

The handwritten caption reads: Taken August 30, 1915.

The reverse side includes quotes from Woodrow Wilson and Abraham Lincoln and the home addresses of Moses P. Kogechiwan.

Photographic Print, B&W, Postcard
National Archives and Records Administration
color image; view of interior of the library, a large plant sits in the foreground, in the middleground (to the left) are three tables of students looking down at study materials, in the background to the right are shelves of books and to the left is a window and door

The caption on the front reads: LIBRARY, INDIAN SCHOOL, CARLISLE, PA.

The postcard was addressed to Mr. Chas Yelletts Montgomery Barber Shop Norristown, Pa. The message reads: "love to you, Am having a nice time every body was surprised to see me, hope you are well, love from Margaret 43 Baltimore St. Carlisle Pa."…

Dickinson College Archives & Special Collections
Ernest William Kick, #1, c.1916

Ernest William Kick as a member of the Canadian military around 1916.

Photographic Print, B&W, Postcard
National Archives and Records Administration
James Henry Kennedy's House, c.1916

The handwritten note on the reverse side contains a note from John Kennedy to Oscar H. Lipps regarding having his son James Henry Kennedy coming home to help on the farm over the summer. Sent from Irving, New York in March 1916.

House, two barns, and the greenhouse of James Henry Kennedy and his father John Kennedy.

Photographic Print, B&W, Postcard
National Archives and Records Administration
Rural Church, c.1916

The reverse side includes a note from Paul Red Star to Oscar H. Lipps sent from Manderson, South Dakota on August 8, 1916.

Church in a field with horses and people.

Photographic Print, B&W, Postcard
National Archives and Records Administration
color image; view of the gynasium with one man standing by the entrance, appears faintly pink; the girls' quarters are just visible in the left corner of the image, the gymnasium is a three story building with three windows on each floor

The caption on the postcard reads: Carlisle, Pa., Gymnasium, Indian School.

The postcard was addressed to Mrs. John P. Miller, Dillsburg, Pa. The message reads: "Dear Maud, How are you and the boys. We are all pretty well. We will look for you all on the 28th the big day in Carlisle. Kathryn."


Dickinson College Archives & Special Collections
color image; a view of the interior of one of the greenhouses, in the foreground is a bed of flowering plants (white, yellow and pink flowers), in the background are raised beds of greenery, the poles which support the roof are visible to the right and run from foreground to background

The caption on the front reads: GREEN HOUSE AT INDIAN SCHOOL, CARLISLE, PA.

The postcard was sent to Wm. Gutbhall[?] Band 8th Rgt. 3rd Brigade Pa. U. G. U. S. Camp Steward, El Paso Texas. The message reads "Carlisle Pa. Aug. 27 -16 Brother Wm. Sorry to hear you are broke Yors G. A. Sollenly"


Dickinson College Archives & Special Collections
color image; view of the school grounds from perspective of the academic building towards the quarters, the trees have no leaves, in the foreground is a set of students arranged in tight rows (they are in black and white)

The caption on the front of the postcard reads: Indian School, Parade Ground and Buildings, Carlisle, Pa.

The postcard was addressed to Mr. Jonny Miller, Dillsburg, Pa. and the message reads: "Dear Jonny, I hope you had a Merry Christmas. Santa Claus was good to me. I hope he was the same to you. Santa Claus brought me…

Dickinson College Archives & Special Collections
James Chaves, c.1917

The handwritten note on the reverse side reads: I send my picuter Mr James Chaves Riverbank California round house.

Photographic Print, B&W, Postcard
National Archives and Records Administration
State Sanitorium in Mt. Alto, PA, c.1917

View of the State Sanitorium in Mt. Alto, Pennsylvania around 1917.

The reverse side includes a handwritten note from Joseph Denny to Mr. C. V. Peel.

Photographic Print, B&W, Postcard
National Archives and Records Administration
Corporal Spencer Patterson, c.1918

The handwritten note on the reverse side reads: Corporal S. Patterson.

Spencer Patterson in his U.S. Army uniform holding a gun at his side.

Photographic Print, B&W, Postcard
National Archives and Records Administration
Guy Littlejohn, c.1918

Guy Littlejohn in his U.S. Army uniform around 1918.

Photographic Print, B&W, Postcard
National Archives and Records Administration
Carlisle's Sewing Room, 1918


The reverse side includes a note from Charles Littlechief to John Francis Jr. sent from Solen, North Dakota, dated February 18, 1918.

National Archives and Records Administration
color image; view of the front of the academic building, the center of the building has been colored brown, trees stand in front of the building, a fire hydrant is in the foreground

The caption on the front of the postcard reads: Instruction Buildings, Carlisle Indian School. Carlisle, Pa.

The only words on the back are standardized directions for where to write a message and where to write the address.


Dickinson College Archives & Special Collections
black and white image; a view of the adminsitration building with the Superintendent's Quarters just barely visible along the left side, building is two stories tall with a wrap-around porch on each level with white railings

The caption on the front of the postcard reads: ADMINISTRATION BUILDING, U.S. INDIAN SCHOOL CARLISLE PA

The only words on the back are standard instructions for placement of the address.


Dickinson College Archives & Special Collections
color image; six young men (presumably all students) stand outside building with "Bakery" sign, three carry loaves of bread

The caption on the front of this postcard reads: Carlisle, Pa., Bakery and Bakers, Indian School.

The back of this postcard has nothing written on it.


Dickinson College Archives & Special Collections
black and white image; view of the band stand and dining hall, trees obscure most of the dining hall from view, a path crosses in front of the band stand in the middle ground

There is no caption on the front of this postcard.

The back is completely blank.


Dickinson College Archives & Special Collections
a colored view of the band stand and paths around it, a young woman stands in the foreground to the right, in the background is a big blue patch as if the maker added a pond in post-production

The caption on the front of this postcard reads: Campus, Indian School, CARLISLE, Pa.

The back of this postcard has nothing written on it.


Dickinson College Archives & Special Collections
color image; view of central campus with tennis courts (and a fire hydrant) in the foreground, a telelphone pole and tree in the middleground, and the flag pole, girls' quarters and gymnasium in the background

The caption on the front of the postcard reads: Campus and Tennis Courts, Indian School, Carlisle, Pa.

The only words on the back are standardized directions for where to write a message and where to write the address.


Dickinson College Archives & Special Collections