October 20, 1880
Sheldon Jackson informs the Commissioner of Indian Affairs that he's glad that the Carlisle Indian School accepted 10 more Pueblos, one Pima, and one student from the Mescalero Agency. Because the school cannot secure 50 Utes this season, Jackson asks if he can take 6 from the Mescalero Agency, 6 Pimas, and 5 Moquis to the school. He describes the process in which the students would travel to the school. He concludes the letter by writing about Navajo, Moqui, and Pueblo schools and other matters unrelated to Carlisle.
Note: This item was copied from U.S. National Archives microfilm reels (M234), which were filmed from the original documents found in Record Group 75, Entry 79, "Letters Received by the Office of Indian Affairs, 1824-80."
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RG 75, M234, roll 485, frames 9-14