The Carlisle Indian School Students Database collection at Gettysburg College helps to identify students who attended the Carlisle Indian School from 1879 to 1918 and were mentioned by name in school publications. Users are able to search for students by name and locate the issue and page numbers where a student's name appears in school publications. These publications include The School News, The Red Man, The Indian Craftsman, and The Morning Star.
This database is available for download through the The Cupola: Scholarship at Gettysburg College, an open-access institutional repository.
A Note about the Data
The spreadsheet contains about 12,000 rows/records. Some Carlisle Indian School students are mentioned many times (Jim Thorpe, for example), while others may never appear in the publications of the school. Because the data was collected by many college students over many years, the quality and accuracy may vary. Student names often vary in spelling (which may originate from spelling variations in the publications), nicknames are sometimes used, and periodical titles are sometimes recorded in various forms.
A Note about Using the Spreadsheet
The database will be downloaded as a view only excel spreadsheet. In order to search the content you will need to click on the "enable editing" button that should appear at the top of the sheet once it is opened. The students' names are separated into first name and last name columns, so if you search for a student's full name you are unlikely to get a result. Instead, you should highlight the last name column by clicking on the cell labeled "A" above "Last Name" at the top of the sheet. Then you can use "Ctrl + F" on a PC, or "Command + F" on a Mac to open a search box that will allow you to search for the last name of the student you are interested in locating.