Richard Henry Pratt responds to an Office of Indian Affairs letter regarding his recommendation in replacing a transferring matron, and expressing his concerns about the ability of the civil service to provide good candidates.
Rainy Mountain Boarding School

Richard Henry Pratt forwards assistant matron Roberta E. Wilson's request for a two-month leave of absence. Pratt advises the Commissioner of Indian Affairs that Wilson is entitled to the leave of absence and requests that her leave be approved and charged to Carlisle before she transfers to Rainy Mountain School.

Roberta Wilson declines her transfer to the Rainy Mountain School. Richard Henry Pratt forwards the letter and notes that Wilson asks for her leave of absence to begin on May 20, 1899 and that he hopes her declining the transfer will not prevent her from leaving Carlisle.

William A. Mercer recommends Jackson Saunook or John Godfrey for the position of disciplinarian at the Rainy Mountain School in Oklahoma.

William A. Mercer informs the Office of Indian Affairs that Jackson Saunook (here Jackson Saunooke) has accepted the position of disciplinarian at the Rainey Mountain School.

William A. Mercer requests the Office of Indian Affairs place Marguerite Fremont (here Margaret Fremont) on file for a position as assistant seamstress or seamstress in the Indian School Service. C. F. Larrabee follows up by noting that he is willing to nominate Fremont for the vacancy at the Rainy Mountain School if she wishes to attempt the…

William A. Mercer responds to an Office of Indian Affairs communication regarding the potential appointment of Marguerite Fremont (here Margaret Fremont) to the position of assistant seamstress at the Rainy Mountain School. Mercer instead recommends Theresa Connor who desires the position without an examination.
C. F. Larrabee responds…

J. P. Blackmon, U. S. Indian Agent for the Kiowa Indian Agency, requests that Marguerite Fremont be appointed to the position of assistant seamstress at the Rainy Mountain School. Additional correspondence from C. F. Larrabee follows with the response that Fremont is unavailable and that Theresa Connor has been appointed at a smaller salary…