Richard Henry Pratt replies to the Office of Indian Affairs approving of the appointment of Grace Bonser to a position at the Pipestone School.
Pipestone Indian School
William A. Mercer requests instructions related to a letter from W. S. Campbell, Superintendent of the Indian School at Pipestone, and his request to have Carlisle student John Godfrey appointed as disciplinarian there.
William A. Mercer informs the Office of Indian Affairs that former student John Godfrey has accepted the position of disciplinarian at the Pipestone School at the reduced salary proposed by the Commissioner of Indian Affairs.
This material includes correspondence regarding the enrollment of Edward Whalen to the Carlisle Indian School. Whalen attended the Pipestone Indian School before coming to Carlisle.
These materials contain correspondence regarding the disciplining of William Thomas for fighting with another student.
Charles Dagenett encourages Adelia Walker (Sioux) to apply for enrollment at the Carlisle Indian School. She had previously attended Pipestone in Minnesota, but the superintendent there and the superintendent for the Birch Coulee District felt she should continue her education.
No documents have been found to suggest that Adelia…