Male students posed making buckets and watering cans and other objects in the tin shop, with a white male instructor observing.
Tin shop

Male students posed working in the tin shop.

Caption: THE TIN SHOP.
Good tinware of all kinds is made, which the Government buys and sends to the Agencies. Care of the tin roofs, water spouting and the plumbing of the School is an important item in the work of this department.
This image appears in United States Indian School Carlisle,…

Five male students posed working in the Tin Shop.
In 1901 the Bureau of Indian Affairs contracted with the photographer Frances Benjamin Johnston to document the school at Carlisle for an exhibit at the Pan-American Exposition in Buffalo, New York. Johnston visited the school in the spring of that…

Five male students posed in the Tin Shop with piles of finished tin products in the background.
In 1901 the Bureau of Indian Affairs contracted with the photographer Frances Benjamin Johnston to document the school at Carlisle for an exhibit at the Pan-American Exposition in Buffalo, New York.…

A view of the school's tin shop.

Two male students posed working in the tin shop.
The Cumberland County Historical Society has three copies of this image; two are prints (PA-CH3-143 and 14B-13-04) and one is a glass plate negative (00314A#65). It was previously attributed to the photographer A. A. Line, but because the two prints are in…

Part of a scrapbook compiled by William Winneshiek (Winnebago), who wrote the caption: 1) Tin Smith Shop 2) Dentistry 3) Cabinet Making 4) Machine Shop.