Student file of Jane Murray, a member of the Menominee Nation, who entered the school on January 18, 1896 and departed on July 1, 1902. The file contains student information cards, a trade/position record card, and a report after leaving indicating that Murray was married and living in Neopit, Wisconsin while working as a housekeeper in 1910.
In school documentation Jane Murray is also known as Jane Marie and Jane Maria. Her married name is Jane Miller (Mrs. Jane Miller).
Note: Murray seems to also have been known as Jane Marie or Jane Maria when she was enrolled. The Cumberland County Historical Society has a photograph of a student captioned "Jane Maria." There are no student records for a student with that name, but the records for Jane Murray show she married a man named James Miller. There are two notices in the student newspapers that student Jane Marie married James Miller:
The Red Man and Helper (Vol. XIX, No. 5, August 28, 1903, p. 3) "We learn through Mr. Colgrave that James Miller, our former students' assistant cook, is married to Jane Marie, a Carlisle girl. They are living in Wisconsin."
The Red Man and Helper (Vol XIX, No. 24, January 15, 1904, p. 3) "Mrs. Jane Miller who was Jane Marie when she was here."