Student file of Ella Rickert, a member of the Arikara Nation, who entered the school on February 23, 1890 and ultimately departed on April 8, 1897. The student did not attend the school continuously, but left and reentered. The file contains student information cards, former student response postcards, correspondence, a report after leaving, and a returned student survey indicating that she worked as assistant nurse at Carlisle for two years after reentering the school. Rickert later married David J. Ripley and was a housewife in Elbowoods, North Dakota in 1913.
In school documentation Ella Rickert's name is also spelled Ella Rikert, Ella Rickerts, and Ella Richert. Her married name is Ella Rickert Ripley (Mrs. David J. Ripley), also spelled Ella Rikert Ripley, Ella Rickard Ripley, and Ella R. Ripley.