The Indian Helper (Vol. 3, No. 20)

Carlisle, PA
December 23, 1887
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The first page opened with a two poems, "Christmas Eve," and "Christmas," about the true meaning of Christmas. Next came a story about a monkey who developed an intolerance to whiskey, entitled "A Temperance Monkey," which was continued on the fourth page. Page two opened with a report about the monthly exhibition followed by news that the boys' reading room construction was completed. There were items about Christmas week activities, reports of visitors to the school and news about a word riddle contest. Page three included Christmas news, gymnastics reports, students returning to school for the holidays from their country homes, entertaining the congregation of the Second Presbyterian Church in Carlisle, and a story about the school's teamster, George Foulke, singing over the telephone. The fourth page included the enigma puzzle and a poem, "The Christmas Stocking," printed in the shape of a stocking.

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