The Indian Helper (Vol. 2, No. 36)

Carlisle, PA
April 15, 1887
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This issue opened with a poem titled “THE HORSE’S PETITION,” followed by an alphabet poem titled “HOW TO GET RICH AND BECOME FAMOUS.” “TRUE COURAGE” offered a treatise on the rewards of kindness. Page two opened with news of a measles outbreak at the Ponca Agency, the influence of Carlisle students at the Crow Reservation, a report on the program featuring women suffragettes at the Girls Literary Society meeting and a complimentary review of the school by visitor, Merrill E. Gates, President of Rutgers College.

Page three featured many small news items that included grounds and farm area maintenance, names of students sent to country homes, and a report on the Osages at the Martinsburg, Pennsylvania, School. Page four included questions about the school baseball roster and boys’ “hat etiquette” followed by news of returned student Charles Kihega (Iowa), a former printer and concluding with a unique story that substituted student names for common nouns.

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