Student file of Clarinda Charles, a member of the Tonawanda Seneca Nation, who entered the school on November 18, 1891, graduated in 1903, and ultimately departed on February 17, 1903. The student did not attend the school continuously, but left and reentered. The file contains student information cards, letters/correspondence, a former student…
Woolman, S. G.

Date of Entry:
National Archives and Records Administration

Date of Entry:
Student file of Alida Johnson, a member of the Tuscarora Nation, who entered the school on August 25, 1896 and departed on July 3, 1901. The file contains a student information card.
National Archives and Records Administration

Date of Entry:
Student information card of Sarah Corbin, a member of the Cherokee Nation, who entered the school on November 9, 1900, graduated in 1903. and departed on March 17, 1904.
In school documentation Sarah Corbin's name is also spelled Sara Corbin. Her married name is Sarah Stilwell.
National Archives and Records Administration