Student file of Maisa Parker, a member of the Seneca Nation, who entered the school on September 3, 1906, and departed on June 19, 1911. The file contains medical/physical records, an outing record, an outing evaluation, a progress/conduct card, an application for enrollment, returned student survey, a student information card, a news clipping…
Morley, T. W.

Student file of Grace Maybee, a member of the Seneca Nation, who entered the school on September 25, 1907, graduated in 1918, and departed for an outing on June 8, 1918. The file does not make clear what she may have done when the school closed officially on September 1, 1918, whether she remained with her outing patron, returned to her family…

Student file of Mamie Mt. Pleasant, a member of the Tuscarora Nation, who entered the school on September 10, 1908, graduated in 1917, and ultimately departed on May 31, 1917. The student did not attend the school continuously but left and reentered. The file contains student information cards, applications for enrollment, a physical record,…

Student file of Elsie Rabbit, a member of the Chippewa Nation, who entered the school on August 26, 1909, and departed on October 21, 1912. The file contains a student information card, outing records, outing evaluations, an application for enrollment, correspondence about paying for her subscription to the Carlisle Arrow and the …

These materials include correspondence regarding a request by the parents of Elsie Rabbit to have her returned home for at least the summer vacation. Rabbit's parents also state that she was enrolled at Carlisle without their consent and that her health was poor.