McCrary, George W.

Displaying 1 - 6 of 6 records
Need for Pratt to Choose Between Hampton Institute and his Military Service
January 9, 1879

Secretary of War George W. McCrary forwards and endorses a letter from the General of the Army in response to a request to grant Richard Henry Pratt the authority to remain at the Hampton Institute for three months. The note states that Pratt is supposed to be a cavalry officer in Texas, where he is needed, but has been absent for four or five…

National Archives and Records Administration
Denial of Authority to Engage in Indian Education in Oregon
July 23 - August 1, 1879

Secretary of War George W. McCrary informs Assistant Secretary of the Interior A. Bell that he does not have authority to allow Lieutenant Melville C. Wilkinson to engage in Indian education as Richard Henry Pratt is already in that line of work. Instead, Wilkinson will be sent to a college in Oregon where certain Indian youth can be sent.…

National Archives and Records Administration
Plans to Transfer Carlisle Barracks to the Interior Department
August 23, 1879

Secretary of War George W. McCrary informs the Secretary of the Interior that he has issued orders to transfer the Carlisle Barracks to the Interior Department to use as an Indian school.

Note: This item was copied from U.S. National Archives microfilm reels (M234), which were filmed from the original documents found in Record Group 75,…

National Archives and Records Administration
Special Order for the Transfer of Carlisle Barracks to the Interior Department
August 25-29, 1879

Captain William G. Mitchell issues Special Orders No. 52 ordering the transfer of the Carlisle Barracks from the War Department to the Interior Department, with the Barracks' commanding officer Lieutenant E. T. C. Richmond overseeing the transfer and taking inventory of the value of the transferred goods and buildings. Major General Winfield S…

Legal and Government Documents, Letters/Correspondence
National Archives and Records Administration
Order to Transfer all "Movable Property" at Carlisle Barracks to the Bureau of Indian Affairs
August 30 - September 9, 1879

Adjutant General E. D. Townsend informs the Commanding General of the Atlantic that the Secretary of War George W. McCrary has ordered that all "movable property" at the Carlisle Barracks be turned over to the Indian Bureau as part of the transfer of the Barracks from the War to Interior Department. McCray encloses the letter to the Secretary…

National Archives and Records Administration
Pratt Provides Correspondence Related to His Retirement from Active Military Service
January 16, 1903 - February 20, 1903

Richard Henry Pratt provides correspondence related to his retirement from active military service and his subsequent resignation as the Superintendent of the Carlisle Indian School.

Pratt notes in his correspondence that he believed his service as Superintendent of the Carlisle Indian School were a military duty helping and helping to…

National Archives and Records Administration