Student file of Lucinda M. Welch, a member of the Eastern Band of Cherokee, who entered the school on September 2, 1897, and departed on September 25, 1904. The file contains student information card, correspondence, a report after leaving, and a returned student survey indicating that Welch was working as a housekeeper in Folcroft,…
Hollinshead, L. R.

Student information cards of Margaret DeLorimiere, a member of the Mohawk Nation, who entered the school on August 10, 1901, graduated in 1909, and ultimately departed on November 10, 1911.
In school documentation Margaret DeLorimiere's name is also spelled Margaret De Lorimiere, Margaret DeLemere, Margaret Delorrimer, and Margaret…

Student file of Mary Ladouceur, a member of the Chippewa Nation, who entered the school on October 6, 1902, and departed on September 10, 1907. The file contains student information cards.
In school documentation Mary Ladouceur's name is also spelled Mary Ladoceur and Mary La Doucer.

Student file of Sadie Dunlap, a member of the Caddo Nation, who entered the school on July 7, 1903 and departed on June 21, 1909. The file contains student information cards, news clippings, a progress/conduct card, a returned student survey, and report after leaving indicating that Dunlap working as an assistant matron for girls at the Fort…

Student file of Irene Dunlap, a member of the Caddo Nation, who entered the school on April 16, 1904 and departed on June 21, 1909. The file contains student information cards, a conduct card, a news clipping, a physical record, and a report after leaving indicating that in 1911 Dunlap was a student living in Chilocco, Oklahoma.

Student file of Elizabeth Fish, a member of the Menominee Nation, who entered the school on August 24, 1905 and ultimately departed on April 10, 1911. The file contains a trade/position record card, student information cards, an application for enrollment, a medical/physical record, financial transactions, returned student surveys,…

Student information card of Elizabeth Fish, a member of the Menominee Nation, who entered the school on August 24, 1905 and departed on June 20, 1910.
In school documentation Elizabeth Fish's name is also spelled Elizabeth Fishe. She is also known as Lizzie Fish.

Student file of Mamie Smith, a member of the Hidatsa Nation, who entered the school on September 24, 1909 and departed on June 4, 1914. The file contains student information cards, medical/physical records, an application for enrollment, outing evaluations, a progress/conduct card, outing records, a financial transaction, and correspondence.…

Student file of Mary Rogers, a member of the Chippewa Nation, who entered the school on December 24, 1909 and departed on January 30, 1912. The file contains a progress/conduct card, medical/physical records, an application for enrollment, a news clipping, an outing record, a financial transaction, a student information card, outing evaluations…