Student file of Cordelia Hicks, a member of the Wyandotte Nation, who entered the school on May 30, 1885 and departed on July 6, 1888. The file contains a student information card, a report after leaving, and a returned student survey. The file indicates Hicks attended Earlham College in Richmond, Indiana was a seamstress at the Seneca School,…
Hicks, Henry

Student information card of Cordelia Hicks, a member of the Wyandotte Nation, who entered the school on May 30, 1885 and departed on July 6, 1888. The file indicates Hicks was married and living in Perry, Oklahoma in 1913.

Student file of Hattie Hicks, a member of the Wyandotte Nation, who entered the school on November 2, 1888 and departed on February 19, 1890. The file contains a student information card, a former student response postcard, a report after leaving, and letters/correspondence. The file indicates Hicks was a housekeeper in Winnebago, Nebraska in…

Student information card of Hattie Hicks, a member of the Wyandotte Nation, who entered the school on November 2, 1888 and departed on February 19, 1890. The file indicates Hicks was living in Bancroft, Nebraska in 1913.

Student file of Joseph Hicks, a member of the Creek Nation, who entered the school on October 23, 1914 and ultimately departed on July 22, 1918. The student did not attend the school continuously, but left and reentered. The file contains student information cards, an application for enrollment, a medical/physical record, financial transactions…

Student information card of Joseph Hicks, a member of the Creek Nation, who entered the school on October 23, 1914 and ultimately departed on July 22, 1918.

J. V. Summers, U.S. Indian Agent for the Quapaw Agency, forwards a request from Henry Hicks that his daughter Delia Hicks be returned from the Carlisle Indian School. Hicks notes that he has secured a place for Delia at Earlham College where she can train as a teacher. Summers notes that Richard Henry Pratt has agreed to return Delia Hicks with…

Richard Henry Pratt addresses an Office of Indian Affairs letter concerning the request of Henry Hicks to return his daughter Delia Hicks from the Carlisle Indian School. Pratt notes his correspondence with Henry Hicks and notes that Delia's father, along with others from this enrollment group, was promised she would only be enrolled for three…