Student file of Ralph Armstrong, a member of the Nez Perce Nation, who entered the school on September 7, 1890, graduated in 1898, and departed on May 18, 1898. The file contains a student information card, returned student surveys, a report after leaving, and a letter. The file indicates Armstrong was a farmer in Webb, Idaho from 1907 to 1911…
Davis, Jesse

Student file of Corbett Lawyer, a member of the Nez Perce Nation, who entered the school on December 7, 1893 and ultimately departed on March 11, 1899. The student did not attend the school continuously, but left and reentered. The file contains student information cards, returned student surveys, a former student response postcard, a news…

Student information card of Jesse Davis, a member of the Nez Perce Nation, who entered the school on December 7, 1893 and departed on May 23, 1905. The information card indicates that Davis had graduated in 1905, studied tailoring, married Elizabeth Carter, and was living in Webb, Idaho in 1913.

Student information card of Jesse Davis, a member of the Nez Perce Nation, who entered the school on December 7, 1893 and departed on May 23, 1905.
In school documentation Jesse Davis' name is also spelled Jessie Davis.