Captain Richard H. Pratt submits oaths of office from sixty-nine newly appointed employees.
Cochran, Jennie P.

Richard Henry Pratt calls to the attention of the Office of Indian Affairs errors in people's names in the confirmation of appointments of school employees.

Richard Henry Pratt forwards teacher Jennie P. Cochran's request for a 30-day leave of absence to attend summer school.

Richard Henry Pratt forwards certificates of attendance at summer school for six teachers: Emma A. Cutter and Della F. Botsford (Martha's Vineyard, MA), Florence M. Carter, Jennie P. Cochran, and Katherine J. Wiest (Chicago, IL), and Annie B. Moore (Holton, KS).

Richard Henry Pratt forwards Jennie P. Cochran's request to attend Martha's Vineyard Institute under the provisions of school service, as well as 30 days of leave. Cochran is a teacher.
Descriptive Statement of Changes in School Employees, Applications, and Resignations, September 1894

Richard H. Pratt submits a report that lists employees who have left the school (L. A. Bender, Annie B. Moon, T. S. Reighter, Fannie E. Russell, Clara Anthony, Richard Davis, Bessie R. Jamison, Joshua Walker, W. P. Campbell, Philip L. Drum, T. L. Deavor, and M. J. Campbell) and all employees working at the school in September 1894.

Richard Henry Pratt forwards nine certificates of attendance at summer school for seven teachers: O. H. Bakeless, Emma A. Cutter, Fanny G. Paull, Jennie P. Cochran, Kate S. Bowersox, Katherine J. Wiest, and Anna C. Hamilton. An explanatory cover letter is included.

Richard Henry Pratt forwards teacher Jennie P. Cochran's application for a 30-day annual leave of absence.

Richard Henry Pratt sends a telegram to the Commissioner of Indian Affairs advising him that teacher Jennie P. Cochran requested a leave of absence because of "special family conditions."

Richard Henry Pratt forwards teacher Jennie P. Cochran's application for a 28-day leave of absence.

Richard Henry Pratt forwards teacher Jennie P. Cochran's request for a 53-day leave of absence, 30 days annual leave and 23 days to attend summer school. Included is a lengthy letter from Cochran explaining her experience.

Richard Henry Pratt forwards thirteen certificates of attendance for employees: W. Grant Thompson (disciplinarian), Emma A. Cutter (senior teacher), Florence M. Carter (teacher), Jennie P. Cochran (teacher), Carrie E. Weekley (teacher), J. W. Hendren (teacher), Fannie I. Peter (teacher), Nellie V. Robertson (teacher), Mary Bailey (assistant…

Alfred John Standing forwards a statement regarding teachers at the Carlisle Indian School.
Note: Gertrude Simmons later became known as Gertrude Simmons Bonnin and Zitkala-Sa.

Richard Henry Pratt provides a list of staff and the location and number of rooms assigned for their use at the Carlisle Indian School.
Note: Gertrude Simmons later became known as Gertrude Simmons Bonnin and Zitkala-Sa.

Richard Henry Pratt forwards teacher Jennie P. Cochran's application for a 30-day annual leave of absence.

Report of Carlisle Indian School employees with a salary of over $300 and their legal residence and date of the entrance into the Indian Service as a permanent employee.

Richard Henry Pratt forwards twenty-one employees' leave of absence applications: Florence M. Carter (teacher), Mariette Wood (teacher), Jeannette L. Senseney (music teacher), Carrie E. Weekley (teacher), Jenny Ericson (sloyd teacher), O. H. Bakeless (principal teacher), Rebecca J. Sawyer (music teacher), Nellie V. Robertson (teacher), Emma A.…

Richard Henry Pratt forwards ten employees' certificates of attendance at various summer schools: Emma A. Cutter (senior teacher), Mariette Wood (teacher), Florence M. Carter (teacher), Jennie P. Cochran (teacher), Fanny G. Paull (teacher), Bessie Barclay (teacher), Rebecca J. Sawyer (teacher), Jeannette L. Senseney (teacher), W. Grant Thompson…

Richard Henry Pratt sends a report on leave of absences without pay taken by several employees: Jeannette L. Senseney (music teacher), Jenny Ericson (sloyd teacher), M. S. Barr (nurse), Jennie P. Cochran (teacher), Elizabeth E. Forster (drawing teacher), and Ella G. Hill (laundry manager).

Cover letter of report correcting the legal residences of various employees of the Carlisle Indian School.

Richard H. Pratt forwards nineteen requests for leave of absence for several employees: Lida B. Given (matron), Sadie E. Newcomer (teacher), Jessie L. McIntire (teacher), Nellie V. Roberston (teacher), Clara L. Smith (teacher), Mariette Wood (teacher), Elmer Simon (teacher), Florence M. Carter (teacher), Fanny G. Paull (teacher), Jennie P.…

Cover letter forwarding cards covering the qualifications of the teachers at the Carlisle Indian School for the 1900 school year.

Richard H. Pratt provides a list of seventeen employees that would like to attend summer school. Pratt lists the school that they would like to attend as well as the dates.

Major Richard Henry Pratt submits a report that lists all of the employees at the school to start the 1900-1901 fiscal year (A. J. Standing, O. H. Bakeless, W. B. Beitzel, W. Grant Thompson, Dennison Wheelock, M. Burgess, A. S. Ely, W. H. Miller, Fannie I. Peter, M. S. Barr, Benjamin F. Bennett, Kate S. Bowersox, Jessie W. Cook, Mariette Wood,…