Please note: This content is of a sensitive nature and reveals information about death and burial, which some readers may find troubling. Our aim is to provide access to this historical documentation in a respectful manner. Please see our Research Methodology page for more information about our process.

Compare Headstones and Records: Tables

These downloadable tables show the information presented on each headstone with the same information as found in the records from the Carlisle Indian School. PDF files are sorted according to the indicated criteria. The Excel file can be sorted and manipulated.

Note: These spreadsheets represent plot locations accurate between 1927 and July 2017; they do not represent recent repatriations.

Note: In these tables, individuals who do not have a headstone are listed separately from entries for headstones indicated as "unknown," as it is not known which "unknown" headstone corresponds with each unmarked individual. As a result, there are more entries then the 194 stones in the modern Carlisle Indian School cemetery.